Wednesday 7th January
Woke up almost 2 whole hours earlier than I did yesterday and yes, now I can definately conclude that there's no escaping this heat. No matter what time of day it is - it's hot, hot, hot!This morning we were on a mission to catch a glimpse of the turtles hatching out of their eggs and making their way to the big blue sea.
In the past I have watched a couple of documentaries about turtles but never really realised how viscious their fight for survival is. It's a ridiculous rate - something like 1 in 1000 that actually make it home safely.
We met a number of volunteers who dedicate their time each morning to ensuring these babies aren't under any extra pressure (observers coming too close, other animals etc)
After straining our eyes across practically the entire beach where hundreds of nests existed, we finally spotted a baby turtle and out came the cameras. Flashes are not permitted around the turtles because it severely disrupts them to the point where they become completely disorientated, so just as well we remembered that one!
It was a little disappointing that the majority of the hatchlings died, and even more disappointing was watching the only survivor of that nest making it's way to shark infested waters! How harsh nature can be.
But we soon learned that during the night, two wondering dogs had actually dug up the nests. Thankfully they were caught by the ranger.
According to Pt Hedland's Tourism and Visitor Centre, four turtles in total made it to the ocean. Now you can see what I mean about the whole survival rate issue!
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